من نحن WHO US

since 2010 AlDurra company has
entered the world of Medicine due to it's strong direct relationship with doctors as AlDurra scientific bureau .The years of experience although it is small but has made us a leader in lraq in ophthalmic devices distribution . & encouraged us to begin work in ophthalmic drugs e.g eye drops & ointment. The 2nd line of work was in medicine in distributing drugs as vials & ampules & ointments in field of rheumatology&dermatology&plastic and general surgery. 


1-Durra Babylon company 
Address:- Baghdad city, Andulus square ,near ibn Al-Haitham teaching hospital  .
2-Durra AlMasra company(babil branch)
Address:-Babylon, Hilla city .
3-Durra AlMasra company (karbala branch)
Address:- karbala city 

4-Zetameds company 
Address:- India,chenni city
5-MTC company 
Address:- Erbil city ,salah aldin street

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة © 2013 AlDurra Medical Group
تصميم : يعقوب رضا