
AuroGold is made up of yellow PMMA material and has 360° square edge. It is proven that next to UV-A blocking and violet light filtering chromophore that is in the human crystalline lens. This break through material provides the exact chromophore the human retina has already specified for light protection through millions of years of evolution. Thus the yellow lens partially filters the blue light from reaching the retina and thereby prevents damage to the retina.

Product features:

  • Excellent biocompatible material.
  • UV blocking yellow PMMA.
    • Excess of light exposure between the range of 400 -500 nm can damage the retina which can be prevented by filtering the light of that particular wavelength.
  • It is introduced to reduce the problem of PCO and retinal damage.
  • Truedge 360° Square Edge acts as a mechanical barrier for cell proliferation.
  • IOL
    Conventional Lens Design
    Truedge Lens Design
  • Cell proliferation occurs maximum at the Optic-Haptic junction, Truedge has 360° square edge including the Haptic – Optic junction which is very difficult to achieve.
Product Specifications
Model NumberS3602SQY
Optic Diameter6.00mm
Optic DesignEquiconvex optic
Haptics DesignModified 'C' loop
Edge360° Posterior Square edge
Vault Height0.4mm
AngulationZero Degree Angulation
A Constant118.5
ACD5.00 mm
Diopter Range10.0 D to 30.0 D
15.0 D to 25.0 D in 0.5 D steps
Position Holes2
Material Characteristics
Lens MaterialUV & Blue light absorbing Yellow PMMA
Refractive Index1.49

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