Non - Absorbable Suture

Aurolab has different ranges of non-absorbable suture made of Nylon, Silk, Polypropylene and Polyester indicated for the use of Ophthalmic surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery and hand plastic reconstructive surgeries. All ranges of non-absorbable suture ensures,

Product features:

  • Smooth passage through tissue.
  • Excellent knot run down and security.
  • Minimal acute inflammatory tissue reaction.
  • Optimal elasticity and elongation properties.
“ Aurolab at present manufactures four kinds of Non- absorbable sutures with world class quality” they are,
  • Aurosilk (Silk suture).
  • Aurolon (Nylon suture).
  • Aurolene (Polypropylene suture).
  • Aurobond (Polyester suture).

Aurolab Suture needles has special advantages:

  • Capability to manufacture from 70 micron to 330 micron with different cutting profile.
  • Advanced micro point spatula/taper/conventional and reverse cutting edges for minimal penetration force.
  • Burr free needle surface for lesser tissue trauma.
  • Special process for needle attachment to maximize strength.
  • Optimum needle cutting edges for drag free passage through the toughest tissue.
  • Unique needle body geometry for excellent grip stability.
  • High needle bending resistance for retaining original curvature.

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